
Friday, November 25, 2011

Life, love, and the pursuit of coffee

In addition to yesterday being Thanksgiving, it was also my baby brother Billy's 21st birthday. As luck would have it, my brother, Dad, and sister were all in town yesterday so we met up at a local bar to contribute to our little Boopy's inebriation and eventual hangover.
I wanted to stay longer, but the hubs & I had to take advantage of what little kid-free time we had to get some shopping done. We did get to spend an hour hearing/sharing hilarious stories about prank calls & Billy's Barney-obsessed childhood. I wasn't planning on getting drunk, but the mai tai I ordered was really strong & it kicked me in the pants!!

After a quick visit with the fam & some booze, Justin & I headed out for a shopping adventure. We hit up Walmart, where, as my husband tells me, I was "in my own little world" & made a pretty big ass of myself when I told one of our friends (who happens to be a Walmart associate) that I was drunk. What I thought was a discreet comment to a friend was actually a very loud proclamation to a rather large crowd of rabid black friday shoppers. Whoops. We drove to a couple of other stores that had the few things we wanted on sale then called it a night. This morning after we got up & around, the hubs & I braved the crowd once again for half price socks & a few little sale items for the kiddo. Sober & in a far less packed store, the experience was much better than the night before. Plus, Freddy's has free mini-donuts. I'm pretty sure the day after Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete w/out some free mini-donuts.

The kiddo & I have been home all afternoon while Justin's been at work. Trin played some Wii, we watched some pbs, and now I'm clawing desperately at the last shreds of energy I have left. The idea of a nap is always great in theory, but I tend to feel worse after I take one. I don't know if it's the constant interruptions that inevitably occur when I'm trying to steal a few winks in the afternoon or if it's the worry that I've wasted precious time I could have used to get through my daily to-do list. Whatever the case, I constantly whine about wanting a nap until I remember why I hate them in the first place. Today's nap was short and totally counter productive. With my active child & kamikaze nephew, I'm just watching the clock, waiting for it to be time to pick the hubs up from work so we can swing through our favorite coffee stand & load up on caffeinated goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way about naps. I always, without fail, get woken up in some annoying way. I am much crankier after the nap than before and then the guilt comes for thinking I could have washed the dishes or put the clothes away instead of being "lazy". I've banished them altogether.



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